The “Internet banking” service by DemirBank allows paying taxes:

  • without leaving home or office
  • from anywhere in the world / worldwide
  • just in a few minutes

Main types of taxes:

  • tax on vehicles of individuals
  • tax for the obligatory and voluntary patents
  • income tax for employees (patent)

The types of taxes that can be paid by individuals and physical persons by IB Deadline for tax payment
Land tax for agricultural purpose 1) 20% of tax not later than the day following the April 25th  of the current year;
2) 25% of tax not later than the day following 25th August of the current year ;
3) 55% of tax not later than the day following November 25th of the current year.
Land tax for non-agricultural purpose Quarterly, not later than the day following the 20th of the first month of the current quarter
Land tax for usage of the infields (includes house land plots, infields and gardens) Annually, not later than the day following September 1st of the current year
The tax on immovable property which is not used for entrepreneurship Annually, not later than the day following September 1st of the current year
The tax on immovable property used for entrepreneurship - 2 groups Quarterly, not later than the day following the 20th of the third month of the current quarter in equal installments during the current year
The tax on immovable property used for entrepreneurship - 3 groups Quarterly, not later than the day following the 20th of the third month of the current quarter in equal installments during the current year
The tax on vehicles of individuals Annually, not later than the September 1st of the current year
Tax for the obligatory patent -
Tax for the voluntary patent -
Income tax for employee ( patent ) -

See also: Tax calendar/ Taxpayer calendar of payment terms and tax reporting for 2017

TIN ( the 14-digit taxpayer identification number). TIN specified in the passport of the KR citizen, but it can be also found on the website of the State Tax Service in the section Services for the population/ citizens Online/Search TIN/Search by name

Location/ registration of the object of property or carrying on business (oblast, district and ayil Aimak).

The amount to be paid (it is IMPORTANT to REMEMBER that this service is not a substitute for submission of declaration of object of taxation (in particular, for further determining the amount of tax payable, and does not negate the need to extend the patent) to the Tax office).

If the amount of tax Comission*
up to KGS 5 000 KGS 5,1
KGS 5 001 – KGS 20 000 KGS 10,2
more than KGS 20 000 KGS 15,3
(*)-including all taxes and duties stipulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic
if The time of payment the payment execution date payment status
from 10.31a.m. the previous banking day to 10:30a.m. of the current banking day current banking day credited
from 10.31a.m. with the current banking day until 10:30a.m. the next banking day next banking day accepted for enrollment

(*) - Banking day - a working day of the Bank (except for holidays, weekends (including Saturday and Sunday)